Sunday, September 25, 2011

Backyard: it's coming along

At the end of spring we decided to start landscaping our backyard.  We got a ton done, but unfortunately it got too hot, too quick and Jeff became extremely busy with school so we had to put the job on hold.  Now that it is officially fall we have finally decided to finish.  As if my amazing husband doesn't have enough on his plate replacing the engine of my car, studying for the GMAT exam, and worrying about selling our truck, he graciously agreed to help me work on the yard this weekend.  And when I say help me, I really mean he did most of the work.  Thanks hon!! 

Saturday morning we rented a rototiller and Jeff tilled the entire backyard.  While he was busy with that I drove to the landfill to pick up some compost (yum) and then proceeded to wheelbarrow it throughout the backyard and mix it in with the loose dirt.  (All by myself I might add.  I am pretty proud of this accomplishment.)  Afterward we fixed up some sprinklers, went shopping for wood chips, and then called it a day.  Today Jeff again worked his butt off to till the playground area.  After he finished I raked it level, spread out the wood chips, put together the park bench, and set up the playground equipment.  It looks amazing and Cason has already shown his approval.

The next step is to plant grass and wait for it to grow.  We debated back and forth between seed and sod and eventually decided on seed.  We would have had to take out a lot of dirt in order to plant sod and decided that it would take too much time and be too much work.  Unfortunately, the down side to seed is that I have to wait 6 weeks to see the results.  I guess it will teach me patience :). So in 6-8 weeks I hopefully will have a beautiful lush lawn in my backyard.  Can't wait!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Finger Painting

My friend posted a fantastic recipe for finger painting on her facebook page today. For a week or so I have wanted to get some finger paints for Cason, but hadn't gotten around to it, so the timing was perfect. Cason loved helping me make the paints and was so excited when I started putting the colors in. Honestly, I think he had more fun making it than actually painting with it. When it was finished we laid some newspaper out on the kitchen floor and went to town. It was a lot of fun. At one point he pulled a spoon out of the drawer and was using it as a paint brush. So inventive! The best part is when he started to eat the paint (which was inevitable of course) I didn't even mind because I knew exactly what was in it. It was such an easy recipe to make and a very fun afternoon with my boy!


3 tbs Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Corn Starch
2 cups Water

Combine ingredients in small saucepan.
Warm until mixture thickens.
Cool and pour into containers.
Add food coloring to create desired colors.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cason's 1st Haircut

Well I finally bit the bullet and decided to cut Cason's hair for the first time today. I still want it long, but felt it was getting to the point where it looked as though I was neglecting him :). Thanks to my wonderful sister, Chelsea, for her help we were able to trim around his ears and neckline. He actually did better than I thought he would do, but that doesn't mean he cooperated. He did really well for the first few minutes and then started shaking his head and saying "all done" over and over. He definitely knows what this phrase means and was ready for us to stop. We were able to distract him with some gold fish and a cell phone for the most part and I feel that we got pretty good results. He's still the same stud he was before, just a little more clean cut.

 before (taken last week)- crazy in the back and around the ears
super long in the back
 so patient
after- my little stud
you can see just how well he cooperated :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mr. Case

Every now and then I like to dedicate a post to Cason.... mostly for journaling purposes.  He's at such a fun age and is doing something new everyday.  I would hate to miss writing about something :).  Today I'm going to do his top 5 (not necessarily in that order)...

1. Doggie Blankie- Jeff's grandma made Cason an adorable dog blanket and gave it to us shortly after he was born.  Just recently he has grown VERY attached to it.  He sleeps with it every night and is sure to carry it out of the crib with him in the morning.  He drags it all around the house and I find him laying on it in the most random places. 

2. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse- I don't love Cason to watch a lot of television, but he adores Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He sings "hot dog, hot dog" when it comes on and loves to dance to the songs.  I of course find this adorable!  For a kid with a short attention span it amazes me that he can sit through an entire show. 

3. Animals- Cason not only loves our dogs, but any dog he sees on the street and pretty much all other animals.  His favorite book right now is about animals.  He loves to point to the animals as I say them.  He knows many, but a few favorites are dog, cat, and ladybug.  He also just recently started making animals sounds.  His favorites are the sounds for dog and cow. 

4. Affection- This kid as become so affectionate.  He loves to give big bear hugs and huge open-mouthed kisses.  He will be playing with his toys, run over to give me a hug and kiss, and then go back to playing.  He slept in the same bed as us while we were camping recently.  One night he fell asleep facing me (pretty much his nose touching mine) with one hand under my neck and the other hand on my face.  Seriously melts my heart!  I know one day he isn't going to give those hugs and kisses quite as willingly, so I'll take as many as he'll give now :).

5. Talking- Cason has always been a talker, but has seriously hit a vocabulary boom recently.  It seems that he knows a new word every time I turn around.  I know I will be leaving out some, but want to try and make a list of the words that he says frequently, so here it goes.  Mom (all variations), dad (all variations), grandpa, ball, no, bye, hi, dog, boat, uh-oh, vroom vroom, yuck, night night, hot dog, some, all done, and bubble.

Atkin/Barlow Family Reunion

For Labor Day weekend we went up Cedar Mountain to Duck Creek for Jeff's family reunion. I grew up camping at Duck Creek and love it as much now as I ever have. Jeff and I try to go camping there at least once each year. Cedar Mountain is beautiful! It was so nice to get out of the St. George heat for a weekend and spend some time with family. Jeff's grandparents, mom and family, and aunts, uncles and families were all there. There were a few missing, but those of us that went had a blast. Some of us stayed at the Duck Creek Campground and others stayed nearby in cabins. We ended up spending most of our time at the cabins except to sleep. While there we spent time canoeing at Navajo Lake, 4-wheeling, hiking Cascade Falls, shooting guns, playing games, eating good food, and visiting with family. This was the first family reunion on Jeff's side of the family that we have been to. It was nice to spend more time with them and get to know them a little bit better. I love camping and love to see that Cason loves camping as well. It has always been one of my favorite ways to spend time during the summer months and I hope that Cason will continue to enjoy it as the years go by. 

 Jeff and his uncles, Scott and Matt, cooking breakfast. The first morning all the boys cooked for the girls. It was a nice break!
 My mountain men.
Playing at Navajo Lake.
 Just a few of us that were there. 
 Getting ready for the first canoe ride!
 Cason preferred playing in the canoes while they were on the shore.
 We had quite a train of people hiking to Cascade Falls.
 Loved playing in the back of the truck. Little did he know that it was my way of confining him to one place :).
 How many men does it take to load an ATV? These 4-wheelers caused me so much stress this weekend. However, they were also a ton of fun!
 Such a stud!
 Cason, grandma, and Olivia.
Kyson, Cason, and Olivia. Of course Cason couldn't sit still long enough to take the picture.
 Kyson and Cason. These little cuties are just 2 and a half weeks apart.
 First ride with daddy!
After Cason rode the 4-wheeler it was all he wanted to do. He kept saying "vroom vroom" and running to them. To compromise, we let him play with the 4-wheeler in the truck.