Monday, April 8, 2013

3 Months- went by way too fast

Our little Kevin is now 3 months old! I have a hard time believing that 3 whole months have gone by since he arrived. Sometimes I go throughout the day playing with the kids, feeding the kids, bathing the kids, and so on, and I don't stop to enjoy every moment the way that I should. And then sometimes I rock Kev to sleep at night after Cason has gone to bed and I just sit and stare at his perfectly tiny features and can't believe that he is mine and that I am blessed to have two amazing miracles. Kevin is so beautiful and sweet and innocent. I love him so much and am so grateful to have him in our family. If only I could slow down time so that he didn't grow up so fast :).

to be held and talked to
the sound of mommy and daddy's voices
to have his clothes taken off
to smile and talk :)
the polar bear on his play gym
his caterpillar toy
to eat (still feels like every 2 hours for me)
being outside
being rocked to sleep... by mom only (very picky)
to suck on his fist
to pull mom's hair
to nap for about 45 minutes at a time, 4-5 times per day

Cason- Top 5

It's time to do another top 5 post about Cason (not in any particular order). I don't document even 1% of what I would like to, so now that I'm thinking about it I better take the time to dedicate a post to him.

1. Guitar and singing- Cason loves to get out his guitar and microphone and put on a show for us. He is full of energy and spunk and his little routine makes me laugh everyday. 

2. Phineas and Ferb- Potty training and being sick turned my son into a Phineas and Ferb aholic. He loves to watch the show, but also uses it all the time in his imaginative play. Everything in our house has turned into an "inator" and he is always singing the songs and saying one liners from the show.  A few days ago he said to me about his baby brother "Mom, this is a Kevin. They don't do much." Silly, silly boy.

3. Chocolate milk and PB&J- Cason would live off of chocolate milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches if I let him. He prefers his sandwiches cut into 4 squares and only eats the middle, no crust.

4. Flip flops, hat, sunglasses, and "mean things"- Feels most comfortable when he is fully clothed in his flip flops, hat, and sunglasses, with a "mean thing" in hand. A mean thing is anything long and skinny that could in anyway resemble a gun. He doesn't really know what a gun is or does and instead calls them mean things. When he has a mean thing he automatically turns into "a mean guy." He doesn't ever do anything mean, but switches back and forth between "a mean guy," "a nice guy," and "just a Cason."

5. Swinging- Cason loves to be outside. He loves to go for walks and to go to the park. Most of all he LOVES the swings. We have a great backyard with a playground just for him. He asks me multiple times everyday to push him on the swing and he will stay out there for hours.

6. (So I have to make it a top 6) Alphabet and reading- Cason loves the alphabet and loves to read books. He knows all of his letters and sounds and can name things that start with the letters. His favorite letters are T and I and he is always drawing them or making them out of things (popsicle sticks, toys, even macaroni and cheese). He also loves to sit down and read books, which I also love. I'll feel like I did at least one thing right if my children grow up to love books. 

S M I L E :)

Can't help but smile looking at his adorable smile! And those dimples.... I just can't resist :).



Potty Training, Corvette, Pneumonia, Easter

Wierd title for a post.... I know! However, it feels like the last few weeks in our home have all run together and this about sums it up. People have told me how hard and frustrating it can be to potty train a little boy, but I had no idea just how maddening it could be until I started with Cason. Add on top of that a Corvette purchase that, in my opinion, went terribly wrong, Cason getting pneumonia while the rest of the family was hit by a horrible strain of bronchitis (and mastitis for me... yippee), and missing out on a lot of Easter fun and you get a sad, stressed, and exhausted momma.

Enough of the ranting and complaining though. I am hoping that the worst is behind us AND while it wasn't the greatest month it did, of course, have it's bright spots. :)

We started potty training Cason back in September of last year. I thought that it would be great to get it over with before baby Kevin came. However, it was apparent from the beginning that Cason was just not ready and that it was my agenda running the show. This time around has been very different. He isn't 100% yet, but we are getting there, and I feel like he is doing pretty great considering he got incredibly sick a week into it. The first time around I was prepared with a potty chart, stickers, candy, prizes.... the whole shebang! This time all I needed was a bag of M&M's and Phineas and Ferb. He started out on Monday running around naked and after a few days was in his underwear. By Saturday we were out of the house in clothes and I am proud to say he didn't have a single accident. Cason loves wearing his underwear and loves being a "big boy." We still have some work to do, but overall I would say it's a success and we will not be going back to diapers, yay!!

The weekend after we began potty training Jeff and his brother planned a road trip to Sacramento to pick up a Corvette. It is Jeff's dream to one day rebuild and drive his own Corvette. For now, however, they will just be turning around and selling this one. They got a really great deal and are hoping to be able to make some money off of it. Unfortunately, on the way home they experienced some trouble and are going to have to put a lot more work into it than they had originally planned. My initial "I told you so" reaction has finally worn off and I am hoping that they can have some fun rebuilding the engine together. I am also hoping that we can break-even and get our money back. At least Jeff will get a little taste of his dream and for now Cason loves that daddy and Kenton have a "race car."

At the beginning of February both boys had RSV. No fun!! It took Kevin forever to get over it and he was miserable for weeks. We had to take him into the bronchiolitis clinic at the hospital everyday for over a week and he was almost admitted at one point. It goes without saying that Cason has had more than his fair share of illnesses in his short little life. This was his second round of RSV and I won't even go into everything else he has had in this post. It was no shock when we took him into the doctor a few weeks ago and he was treated for pneumonia. I could tell that something was wrong when he randomly fell asleep on the couch one afternoon. He woke up with an incredibly high fever and it went down hill from there. I was hoping that Kevin would be our healthy child and not have to experience everything that Cason has gone through, but so far in his short 3 months, the poor little kiddo has also been sick almost as much as he has been well. We took him into the doctor a week after Cason and sure enough he had bronchitis. This makes for long days and even longer nights. He struggles to stay asleep for a decent length of time because he wakes himself up coughing or not being able to breathe. Cason is now doing much better and Kevin seems to be on the mend. I am crossing my fingers that we can avoid anymore illnesses and have a healthy and happy spring and summer.
My niece Dilyn came down to stay with my parents the week before Easter. My mom planned a ton of Easter activities to do with all of the kids while she was here. Unfortunately, because we were all sick we weren't able to do most of them. I felt a little sorry for myself at the time, but we did end up having a pretty good Easter anyway. We were able to go to the egg hunt at my mom's work and the barbeque afterward with my brother. The Easter bunny found us and left the boys clothes and lots of candy. Cason got a kite and Keving got a cute little book. We didn't leave the house on Easter Sunday, but my mom did come over to spread some Easter cheer. She did a treasure hunt and Easter egg hunt with Cason. They also colored eggs and made a cute bunny car out of treats. I was so grateful to her for coming over. Without her it would not have felt like Easter at all.